Operation Mobile Laundry

Our ambitous goal for providing emergency services in 2015 

I ran across an article regarding two creative young men and their mobile laundry solution. I was quite cativated by the simplicity of what they accomplished, it made a very powerful statement which btw didn't break the bank. The hope that they provide to those in need is a story worth replicating. It is our goal to have at least one fully functioning mobile laundry van before summers end and we have priced it out.

  • Used($4500) or Newer($10,000) Cargo Van
  • 2 High Efficient Front Loading Washing Machines ($700 each)
  • 2 Front Loading Dryers ($700.00 each)
  • 1 8000 Watt Generator ($1000.00)
  • Miscellaneous Hoses and Connectors ($375)
  • Building materials for inside the van ($125)

If you feel you want to assist us in this effort and have a vehicle, generator or that you want to donate(tax deductible) we say thank you(while singing with glee)! Project Cover Your Neighbor Foundation is a classified 501(c)(3) charity organization. You can check with your tax advisor or accountant to determine the amount of your benefit. The deduction is of value only if the donor itemizes his or her deductions. For a more detailed overview the IRS publishes a Donors Guide to Car Donation.